As old as the dawn of time, naturopathy draws its roots from all the people of the earth, adapting to all climates and cultures. We need only think of the principles of traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda, which link body, emotions, environment (terrain) to prevent the onset of disease and whose objective is the maintenance of health. The human being is a whole and naturopathy addresses all its facets by proposing to make the links between the inside and the outside. Naturopathy is complementary and parallel and cannot replace an allopathic medical approach.
Naturopathic medicine is increasingly used by people who want to find alternative and complementary care to allopathic medicine. The benefits of a healthy and balanced diet, activities adapted to each individual and a positive inner state of being are attributes that users find increasingly necessary to face a daily life that poses many challenges.
Naturopathy encompasses everything that is good for humans, everything that nature makes available to them in addition to understanding their own human nature. Well-being is the key tool and naturopathy is its science. Balance is what we are all looking for, and naturopathy supports us in this search.