Soul Coaching

LoveRadiance - Soul Coaching

Coaching the Soul consists of individual sessions where you will be guided and stimulated in addressing elements of life that call for a change, so that you are more and more in a consistent correlation and a true reflection of your Soul’s purpose and frequency, so that you realize your life’s purpose.

Soul Coaching sessions are for individuals seeking a true guidance on a Spiritual path, which are committed to seeking to be in sync with their true life purpose and wish to keep focus and orientation in a Spiritual perspective.

As the sessions go forward, several tools, physical, mental, spiritual or energetic, can be used to achieve the goals and objectives that have been set in connection with your ideals of life.

The progression

The first sessions are usually oriented towards the assessment of the consultant’s goals and life purpose, in order to orientate the guidance in a direction based on what was identified as elements to change, transmute and integrate.

Soul Coaching sessions are actual life teaching and training for self-discovery. They are individualized, personalized and adapted to the individual and its pace towards life changes. It is an integrative approach towards self-realization, the “I Am” in a global perspective.

General topics addressed

  • The meaning of his life and mission or the mandate of incarnation
  • Becoming the creator of our life
  • Integration of the Soul and Spirit dimensions
  • Dissolution of the Ego
  • Learn to listen and recognize our inner voices
  • Relationship to our inner guides
  • Limiting beliefs
  • Release of Karmic knots and obstacles
  • Becoming who I truly Am
  • The spiritual tools and their integration
  • The major life passages
  • Realignment and integration of the Self
  • Etc.

The sessions

Soul coaching appointments are also available through Skype (pascalnp) or by phone (1-514-990-2699) since it is not necessary to be physically present, although in office appointments are privileged.

Fleur de Vie - PARLECOEUR

Cost: $150 (+60$ first appointment)

Duration: 55 minutes

Choosing to change one’s perspective is to rise to the Soul level until everything becomes so crystal clear. Then the creative manifestation can take shape.
– Pascal N. Paquette

Teleconsultation by videoconference

Teleconsultation with your Coach

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soins énergétique Parlecoeur

Energetic Session



Mediation Service

Private meditation lessons

Private Meditation Lessons